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This website and all content, including the FELE Prep Modules, are copyrighted by FELE Prep LLC. The content of the website and modules may not be reproduced in any way except under these conditions. A customer who pays for a module through FELE Prep’s website may download one copy of the module within three days for personal, non-commercial use. This means that you cannot copy, share, distribute, transfer into electronic formats, or use any materials from this website except as described above.
Have You Downloaded Our New FELE Flashcards?
NewsPlanning to take the Florida Educational Leadership Exam? FELE Prep offers a variety of FELE study materials to help you prepare. Our latest FELE test prep tool is designed to complement our study modules and FELE seminars. FELE flashcards consist of a single set of flashcards containing key terms and theorists. This type of study […]
Introducing a New Way to Prepare for the Florida Educational Leadership Exam!
NewsFELE Prep is excited to announce that we have added a new tool for you to use to study for the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. FELE Flashcards are now available in our online store. While they are not a substitute for our study modules and FELE practice tests, they do provide another fun and easy […]
FELE Prep is Piloting Subtest Specific 2.5 Hour Seminars!
NewsDo you need help passing one or two of the FELE subtests? If so, plan to attend FELE Prep’s specialized seminars for particular subtests on March 24th, Saturday in Tampa. The cost is $155 plus the cost of the module (ranges from $64.94-$124.95). The schedule on March 24th is as follows: 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. […]
A New Year and New Website to Help You Prepare for the Florida Educational Leadership Exam
NewsYou may have noticed that we have a new website for 2018! Our goal is to provide a user-friendly platform to help you to prepare for the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. FELE Prep is dedicated to your success, and now it is easier than ever to purchase our FELE study modules which include a FELE […] Website Launch
NewsWe’re excited to announce that our new and refreshed website is live. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with dropdown menus for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve streamlined the checkout process and improved the structure of our content, so you’ll get more from a quick read. There’s a whole host of other changes, […]