Florida Gulf Coast University
Virtual Small Group Seminar for FGCU Students
FELE Prep’s virtual, small group seminar is 2 ½ hours on rotating Saturdays. Emphasized content will be reviewed.
The typical size of the seminar group is ten or less participants. An electronic copy of the relevant FELE Prep materials will be emailed to participants once they are in the virtual classroom.
Virtual Small Group, Seminar Registration Process for Candidates:
- Register in the month prior for the date that you need. There is not a cost to the student as FGCU is paying for their students.
- Fields will email you a confirmation letter with seminar specifics and a copyright letter. Please sign and return the copyright letter to Dr. Fields prior to the seminar.
- Using the information in the confirmation letter from Dr. Fields, set up a Skype account. Skype allows video conferencing for free on the internet. You can Skype on your mobile phone, laptop, desktop, iPad, etc.
- Try Skyping with a family member or friend who has a Skype account prior to the seminar. Check your video and sound, because the virtual seminar is interactive.
- Fields will email the Skype link the day before the seminar with a reminder.
- Be ready and available in the virtual classroom on the day and time of seminar.