Perfection is Not Necessary to Pass

We are continuing our series of articles discussing the pitfalls of perfectionism and why you should let perfectionism go as you prepare to take the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. Our previous articles covered some ways to help you re-think how you approach the FELE, including having confidence in your preparation for the exam and remembering […]

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Perfectionism

While perfectionism can be viewed as a positive quality, it can have a negative effect on your test taking performance. As we discussed in previous articles, perfectionism can lead to test anxiety and actually compromise how well you perform. We are continuing our series discussing some ways you can avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism when […]

Don’t Let Perfectionism Affect Your Performance

Perfectionism can promote anxiety, especially when it comes to taking standardized tests such as the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. If you are a perfectionist, this series of articles discusses some ways to not let your perfectionism adversely affect your performance. Our previous article covered the importance of allowing yourself to miss a few questions and […]

Letting Go of Perfectionism

If you are a perfectionist, this next series of articles is for you! Perfectionism is a leading cause of test anxiety. Feeling the need to achieve a perfect score can actually be quite paralyzing. Your friends at FELE Prep have assembled a list of tips and strategies designed to help you let go of your […]

Florida Educational Leadership Exam

We are continuing our series of articles designed to break down the Florida Educational Leadership Exam to help give you an idea of what to expect. Our previous article covered Subtest 1, Subtest 2, and the multiple choice section of Subtest 3. Today, we will take a closer look at the FELE written response – […]

FELE test prep

We are continuing our series of articles designed to help you understand what to expect when taking the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. Our previous articles covered Subtest1 and Subtest 2. Below is a brief summary of Subtest 3 as described in the Florida Department of Education FELE Test Blueprint: Knowledge of effective decision-making processes that […]

Breaking Down the Florida Educational Leadership Exam

FELE Prep is passionate about providing candidates taking the Florida Educational Leadership Exam with the most effective FELE test prep resources to help fuel your success.  We break our FELE exam study guide materials down to target each of the three Subtests and the FELE written response. We are continuing our series of articles outlining […]

Florida Educational Leadership Exam

We all know the Florida Educational Leadership Exam is very challenging. Our goal at FELE Prep is to provide you with the most effective FELE test prep resources to help you prepare for and pass the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. Our next series of articles will break down each section: Subtest 1, Subtest 2, Subtest […]