Less Than Perfect is OK!

Less Than Perfect is OK!

We are concluding our series of articles discussing various ways to let go of perfectionism, especially as you prepare to take the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. Our previous articles discussed how it is important to remember that you do not need to score 100% to pass the Florida Educational Leadership Exam. We also discussed the importance of having confidence in the FELE test prep strategies you engaged in, remembering times when you’ve succeeded at passing other standardized tests, not giving the Florida Educational Leadership Exam power over you, and not “what if’ing” yourself to death. Today, we will look at one more FELE test prep tip to combat the plague of perfectionism.

Tip #6

Visualize Yourself Passing the Florida Educational Leadership Exam

Visualizing success is a powerful way to not only help you relax, but also can assist you in not feeling the pressure of perfectionism. As you embark on FELE test prep strategies, take time to close your eyes, breathe, and imagine yourself in a place where you’ve already passed the exam. Also, plan to do this the morning of the Florida Educational Leadership Exam and before you begin actually taking the test.

FELE Prep is a premier provider of FELE test prep resources including FELE exam study guide materials, FELE flashcards, FELE seminars, and FELE tutoring. Our FELE exam study guide materials for Subtest 1, Subtest 2, and Subtest 3 include FELE practice questions. We also offer FELE writing tips to help you prepare for the FELE written response. Give us a call to check out our comprehensive FELE test prep resources on our website today!